- Level 4, carpark. A small prayer place located at the extreme end. For ablution, walk down the metal staircase.
- Nearest mosque is Masjid Haji Muhammed Salleh (Palmer Road, S079424), about 5 minutes walk.
- Musollah is at the carpark (level B1). Take the blue door leading to the staircase that leads to level 1 behind the loading/unloading bay.
- Level 2. Take the lift from then main lobby. Upon exiting, turn left and proceed straight to the car washing bay and locate the “M&E Room”. Proceed inside and there is a separate cubicle for males and females. Slippers are provided and the ablution place is nearby.
- Musollah . is located next to Texas Chicken at the Supertree Food Hall, marked by a white door labelled “Authorised Personnel Only” which leads to a shared musollah that can fit up to 5 people. Prayer mats and telekung, as well as slippers to share for ablution, are available for use. Ablution are to be taken at nearest toilet located on the extreme left side of the Supertree Food Hall.
(UPDATE 15/04/2018: We have been informed that this musollah is available only to staff)
– Block 2, void deck. The last void deck Musollah (Surau Ghim Moh) in Singapore, founded by the late Ustaz Munawir Bin Mohd Dzafir who passed away on 7 January 1987. Fully equipped facilities with convenient ablution place.
- There is an unofficial prayer area on level 2 near to Pepper Plus (#02-117). The unofficial prayer area is shared for muslimah and muslimin. Qibla is available. Please bring your own telekung and prayer mat. You may perform your ablution at the toilets just past the lift lobby. Alternatively, you can go to the nearest mosque is Masjid Temenggong Daeng Ibrahim (Telok Blangah Road, S098827), about 10 minutes walk.
– Musollah is located at Basement 1 carpark, underneath the escalator near to carpark lot number 250. An ablution place and segregated space for males and females are provided.
(UPDATE 29/04/2022: We have been informed that this musollah is no longer open to public. It is only for IKEA staff. Please proceed to Queensway mall for the next nearest musollah
– Musollah is at Keppel Bay Tower Harbourfront, B1 Carpark. You will need to take the escalator down.
- There is a shared musollah for muslimah and muslimin. Prayer mat available, please bring your own telekung. Please perform ablution at the nearest toilet.
- There is a musollah at Marina South Pier, Level 2, near to the Fort Canning Room. Ablution to be performed at the nearest toilet
- Musollah is located at Basement 1 carpark, below the cafeteria. There are separate musollah for muslimah and muslimin. Ablution at toilet upstairs on level 1.
(UPDATE 06/12/2021: We have been informed that the musollah prayer hall is temporarily closed)
- Nearest mosque is Masjid Ahmad (Lorong Sarhad, S119173), about 5 minutes walk.
- Level 3, carpark. Go through a door that states “Music Lounge”. Once out, turn left for the prayer place and turn right for ablution place.
– Musollah is located on Level 2 behind #02-33/34. Near to the toilet and beside Lobby C. Push the door leading to Staircase D. Turn right and proceed to the end. Ablution place available inside and it is shared for both muslimah and muslimin.
- There is a musollah available for people attending courses at SFATC. Please approach staff for assistance.
- Basement 1, carpark. Ablution place available and toilet on basement 2.
- There are 2 musollahs at Staircase A. One between level 1 & 2 and the second one is between level 3 and 4. Ablution can be done at level 1 (on the left of the lift lobby).
- There is a musollah at Level 2 Lobby Q . Walk pass Dell /Bata. Separate wudhu area for male and female Separate praying area for male and female