– Level 3, outside AVA room (look for the back door). Only for Zuhur prayers, Monday at 1.15 pm, Tuesday and Wednesday at 2.15 pm and Thursday at 2.20 pm. For ablution, go to the toilet nearby.
(UPDATE 31/03/2023: Please note that this musollah no longer exists.)
- There is a Musollah available for restaurant patrons at the back of the restaurant. Prayer mat is provided. Please bring your own telekung. Ablution area for muslimin is available. For muslimah, please take ablution in the restroom or handicap toilet.
- Located on the ground level in the equipment room near to the starting point. Sejadah and telekong available. For ablution, go to the toilet nearby.
- There is a Musollah on level 5. Visitors can access them via the corridor next to Dian Xiao Er, which occupies unit #05-11
- Prayer Room available at level 4, room number 431. Key card, ask from staff.
– There is a Musollah at level 11 of the East Wing Office Tower. At the Propnex entrance, turn right and walk in straight all the way towards #01-60/61/62. Then turn left at the corner. When you see the staircase SB2 on your right, immediately turn left and walk straight till you see #11-50 where the musollah is. It is a shared musollah for muslimah and muslimin. Telekong, prayer mats and slippers are provided.
(UPDATE 10/05/2021: We have been informed that this is no longer open to public. Based on Propnex's management decision, only Propnex agents / Staff are allowed to enter the premises. Any clients of agents have to be accompanied by an agent.)
- There is a musollah for customers only and this is separate for muslimah and muslimin. There is an ablution area within the musollah. Prayer mat is provided. Please bring your own telekung.
- There is an unofficial prayer area on level 2 staircase near to Prism+ store (#02-24/25). The unofficial prayer area is shared for muslimah and muslimin. Qibla, prayer mat and telekung are available. You may perform ablution at the toilets just beside the staircase. Alternatively, you can go to the nearest mosque is Masjid An-Nahdhah (Bishan Street 14, S579786), about 6 minutes walk.
(UPDATE 18/11/2022: We have been informed that this unofficial prayer area has been removed.)
- There is a air-conditioned musollah which is complete with an ablution corner for Muslim diners.
- There is a musollah available for public based on their facebook page. Please approach staff for assistance.
- There is a musollah available (separate for muslimah and muslimin) at the Public area outside of Bird Paradise. 1, Walk past the water fall an head towards Gate D (Taxi Queue). 2. Turn left and follow the signs for the musollah. Ablution area available within the premises and prayer mat as well. Please bring your own telekung.
- This musollah is at the North wing, next to lift lobby B at B2 (the same lift that leads directly to the national library branch in Northpoint City). It is easier to access the Musollah from B1 Spectacle Hut, go down escalator. Or from food court at B2, go through carpark & look out for pillar (Green) B2 C10 towards C6 & turn left. The musollah is carpeted and not segregated between the males and females, big enough for a family of 5 to pray together. Prayer mats and telekung are provided. The sticker pointing to the direction of Kibla is pasted on the ceiling of the room. Wudhu can be done at the toilet nearby.
(UPDATE 24/05/2019: We have been informed that the musollah has been upgraded with 2 separate prayer rooms for muslimah and muslimin with proper doors.)
- This is an unofficial surau to pray at NEX shopping centre. Go to level 4r (rooftop). Find the goods lift lobby near to the library. Find the emergency staircase. Once you go inside it, there would be an arrow pointing the kiblah. You need to bring your own prayer garments and sejadah.
(UPDATE 02/08/2018: We have been informed that the unofficial prayer place does not exist anymore. Suggestion is to perform prayers at a discreet corner at a staircase for muslimin and at the baby room for muslimahs)
– Proceed to the Orchid Lounge main lobby (with the spiral staircase and roman statues). Go down the staircase to level B1 (where Royal Palm Restaurant resides on the left side). The Musollah is on the right hand corner with the grey partitions. Prayer mats are provided in the separate musollah for males and females. No telekong provided so please bring your own. Wudhu can be taken at the nearby restroom near to the staircase
- Nearest mosque is Masjid Abdul Hamid (Kampong Pasiran), 10 Gentle Road, S309194, about 10 minutes walk.
- There is a shared Musollah available for muslimah and muslimin on level 4 by taking the stairs next to the customer service or taking the lift to level 4. Prayer mat is provided. Please bring your own telekung. For ablution, please use the nearby toilet on level 4.
(UPDATE 16FEB2023: We have been informed that musollah at Toa Payoh SAFRA have shifted to level 1 instead of level 4 due to some interior work going on. Please feel free to donate any slippers & boxes to store the sejadah.)
- There is a small room marked "Surau" with separate room for male and female at the back of restaurant. Sejadah and telekung are available. For ablution, go to the toilet nearby.
- Turn to the left of the Traffic Police counter. Enter the door leading to stairs 1. The Musollah is below the stairs. Prayers mats and qiblat direction is provided. Wudhu can be taken at the nearby toilets.
( UPDATE 29/06/2023: Staircase 1 is closed. Only for staff. Staircase 2 closed. Signage by management says that there will be no items below staircase due to fire hazard.
- There is a musollah on Level 1, look for Master Prata (#01-24/25). On the left of Master Prata, there is a corridor leading to an Exit. Follow the sign and on the right of the Exit door, at the very far corner, will be the musollah. Prayer mats are provided. Please bring your own telekung. Ablution can be performed at the nearest toilet.
– Musollah is in the First Aid station. Located at the extreme end of the coach park, near to the Zoo ticketing counter. Request permission first from the staff to use the room. Ablution are to be taken at the nearby toilet which is close to KFC. Prayer mats and telekung are available for use.
– Musollah is located at level 4 just near the main lift lobby. Take main lift near Macdonald's to level 4. Upon exiting lift, enter the door on the left then make a right turn. Walk down the aisle towards the carpark exit door, you'll see a wheelchair assistance bay, that's where the musollah is located at. Ablution can be done at nearby toilet/nursing room. The prayer area can take up to 3-5 people. Please bring your own telekung and sejadah
- The musollah is at level 2 beside the lift. Room to be shared by muslimin and muslimah. Ablution can be performed at the nearby public toilets.
- There is a musollah available for patrons of the restaurant. Prayer mats are provided. Please bring your own telekung. Ablution can performed at the toilet. For directions, please ask the staff.
- At civic centre level 1, there is a musollah near the entrance. Turn left at the staircase. Ladies level 1 and men 2. Prayer mat is provided. For muslimah, please bring your own telekung.
- The musollah is at Level 1. Before entering the main entrance, enter door (Stair 2) on the left that leads to the staircase and go straight. Prayer space is located at the extreme end. When praying in a bigger congregation, proceed to the staircase and go up to level 2 in the same area. A replica of a sajadah with foot-marks and qiblat infront of it is there to indicate the prayer place. Sejadah is no longer provided. For ablution, go to the toilet nearby.
- There is a musollah for Cuuul patrons/customers. Prayer mat and telekung are provided. For assistance, please check with the staff. Ablution to be performed at the nearest toilet
- There is a small shared musollah (fits 2 people) muslimah and muslimin located at the back of the restaurant beside the toilet. Hubby & wife would be perfect or take turns. Prayer mats and telekung are provided. Wudhu can be taken at the nearby toilet. This is available only for restaurant patrons and staff