There is a shared musollah for muslimah and muslimin at Level 2 of the Parkway East Hospital, Medical Centre block. This is open to staff, patients and visitors of the hospital.
From the main entrance of the Parkway East Hospital (near to the Shuttle Bus Drop Off point), 1. Enter the main entrance and turn left at the reception. 2. Walk towards the lift and take the lift up to level 2. 3. Once at Level 2, turn left and walk down the corridor till you see the sign 'Prayer Room'. When you see the sign, turn right and you will see the toilets to perform ablution. The shared musollah is on the right of the toilets. The musollah has prayer mats (some donated) and telekung provided. Qibla, slippers and chair are provided. Just before leaving, please be sure to turn off the lights.
There is a shared musollah for muslimah and muslimin just behind the white veiled curtains, on the left of the counter.
Based on their facebook post, this is open to public as well., no purchase required. Prayer mat is provided. Please bring your own telekung. For ablution, we would recommend performing your ablution in the toilet just diagonally across the Pu3 entrance instead as the sink just before the musollah is more to just wash hands (no catchment area for washing the feet) For directions, please feel free to check with the staff. Credits to Pu3 Restaurant
There is an unofficial prayer area on level 5 handicap parking/fire hose reel area beside the toilets.
From the main entrance, 1. Turn left and walk towards the lift between E&D (#01-09) and Timber Home (#01-10). 2. Take the lift up to level 5. 3. Upon reaching level 5 and exiting the lift, you will see a toilet in front. You may perform your ablution here. Once you've done your ablution, there is a door with the sign 'Smoke Stop Lobby' . Push the door and walk straight. Just before the staircase, you will see a handicap corner. The unofficial prayer area is located here and shared for muslimah and muslimin. Qibla is indicated. Prayer mats and telekung (donated) are provided. Please hang/place the prayer mats/telekung up on the fire hose box to prevent obstruction. and to keep the place neat
MUSOLLAHSG.COMWe will verify the existence of some of the musollah locations and upload pictures and directions of the musollahs we visit. Besides those contributed by us, we will post pictures contributed by our Muslim brothers and sisters as well. We will give credit when it is due so if you do use our pictures or information for your blogs or websites, please do give credit to us or the creator of the tiktok/youtube video as well. Categories
January 2025