There is a musollah at Marina South Pier.
1. Go to level 2, turn right when you see SG Maritime Gallery 2. Walk straight till you see the Fort Canning room. 3. Turn left and you will see the musollah on the left. Prayer mats provided. Please bring your own telekung. Ablution to be performed at the nearest toilet.
There is a shared musollah for muslimah and muslimin.
Prayer mat available, please bring your own telekung. Please perform ablution at the nearest toilet.
There is an unofficial prayer area on level 2 near to Pepper Plus (#02-117,).
From Harbourfront MRT (NE1/CC29), 1. Walk to Exit B, leading to the escalator to Harbourfront Centre Level 1. 2. Once you've entered Harbourfront Centre, take the escalator up to Level 2 and look for the escalator leading to Unity (#02-118/119). 3. Once you're in front of Unity, walk towards Pepper Plus (#02-117,) then turn right and walk in the direction of the toilets. On the way to the toilets, on your right (past the glass doors but before the lift lobby), you will see a discreet corner which is the unofficial prayer area. The unofficial prayer area is shared for muslimah and muslimin. Qibla is available. Please bring your own telekung and prayer mat. You may perform your ablution at the toilets just past the lift lobby. Alternatively, if you don't mind walking to the next nearest musollah (apx 10-15 mins), there is one at Vivocity. You can find general directions here. P.S. There is a link at level 2 between Vivocity & Harbourfront Centre.
[UPDATE 20-Dec-2023] There is a new musollah located at Level 2 Lobby Q .
Walk pass Dell /Bata Separate wudhu area for male and female Separate praying area for male and female Credit to Brother Ismail for the photos
If the official musollah is crowded or full, you can still go to Lobby H, near the library (the older musollah). It's advisable to bring your own prayer items for convenience if you're not comfortable using the provided ones.
MUSOLLAHSG.COMWe will verify the existence of some of the musollah locations and upload pictures and directions of the musollahs we visit. Besides those contributed by us, we will post pictures contributed by our Muslim brothers and sisters as well. We will give credit when it is due so if you do use our pictures or information for your blogs or websites, please do give credit to us or the creator of the tiktok/youtube video as well. Categories
January 2025