The is an unofficial prayer area at a small nook at Level 5. Turn right when at Ward 56 (lift lobby 3) where the wheelchairs are kept. There is a prayer mat available.
There is a Musollah location @ NUH.
From Kent ridge MRT, 1. Head towards the ATMs next to the pharmacy. 2. Turn left @ POSB ATM. 3. Walk straight and cross to Kent ridge wing security office. 4. Musollah is in between the lift lobby and carpark entrance. Sejadah is available but not telekung and ablution is either next to AMU ward toilet or the 2nd floor of the musollah building. Contributed by Brother Roslan
There is a shared musollah for muslimah and muslimin at Level 2 of the Parkway East Hospital, Medical Centre block. This is open to staff, patients and visitors of the hospital.
From the main entrance of the Parkway East Hospital (near to the Shuttle Bus Drop Off point), 1. Enter the main entrance and turn left at the reception. 2. Walk towards the lift and take the lift up to level 2. 3. Once at Level 2, turn left and walk down the corridor till you see the sign 'Prayer Room'. When you see the sign, turn right and you will see the toilets to perform ablution. The shared musollah is on the right of the toilets. The musollah has prayer mats (some donated) and telekung provided. Qibla, slippers and chair are provided. Just before leaving, please be sure to turn off the lights.
UPDATE: 15/05/2023: We have been informed that this musollah is re-opened now at Staircase 23, Level B1
Musollah is located at Level B1 First picture - to the left of the urgent o&g centre there is an exit door. The musollah is through that door to Staircase 23. Sejadah, kain and telekung are provided. Contributed by Sister Nureen Royani
UPDATE 21/09/2020: Please note that from 23 March 2020, due to COVID19, the musollah is only open from 1pm to 2pm on Monday to Fridays. Please see sign (in the picture) for more details. The musollah is open to public, however, please be sure to sign in and do the temperature taking before entering.
UPDATE 14/03/2022: We have been informed that this musollah's opening hours have been extended till Maghrib time
There is a musollah in Singapore General Hospital campus at the Houseman Canteen (opposite Academia, beside Duke-NUS) which is close to Duke-NUS and Outram Community Hospital.
You may go there via Outram Park MRT via the Purple line (Exit F) or Green line (Exit A). For the fastest and most convenient route, please take the SGH Shuttle Bus service (Orange). Please note that the Shuttle Bus Service is not available on Sundays and Public Holidays. On Sundays and Public Holidays, you will need to walk via the sheltered pavement. Please check this link for the latest SGH shuttle bus timings.
If you are taking the SGH shuttle bus..
If you are exiting via the Purple/North East line, 1. Go to Exit F. Upon exiting at Exit F at the ground floor, turn left and do a U-turn/ turn left and walk past the public bus stop where the SGH Shuttle Bus stop is located. Line up for the orange route. ai. When the SGH Shuttle Bus (orange route) arrives, board the bus and alight at the Singapore National Eye Centre (SNEC) which is the third stop from the Outram Park (Purple/North East line) stop. aii. Upon alighting from the bus, turn right (please watch your step as some people may trip) and walk towards the drop off point for Singapore National Eye Centre (SNEC). If you are exiting via the Green/East West line, 1. Go to Exit A. Upon exiting at Exit A at the ground floor, walk towards the traffic light and cross the road (to the side where Health Sciences Authority is situated). Turn right and walk towards the bus stop (just past 2nd Hospital Avenue). ai. If you would like to take the shuttle bus, walk past the public bus stop where the SGH Shuttle Bus stop is located. Line up for the orange route. aii. When the SGH Shuttle Bus (orange route) arrives, board the bus and alight at the Singapore National Eye Centre (SNEC) which is the second stop from the Outram Park (Green/East West line) stop. 2. Then once at Singapore National Eye Centre (SNEC) drop-off area, walk towards the connecting sheltered path, cross the road (please be careful of any vehicles) and turn right towards the sheltered path leading to Academia. 3. Just before reaching the Academia building, take the wide stairs on your left down to the ground floor. 4. Walk straight and when you're near to the Academia entrance, Houseman Canteen is just opposite the road. 5. Cross the road carefully and for muslimah, you can walk up the flight of stairs (behind the Houseman Canteen) to enter the musollah. For muslimin, upon crossing the road, walk to the front/entrance of the Houseman Canteen. Walk straight further and the entrance for muslimin is on your left (facing the carpark). The musollah is separated for muslimah and muslimin (with separate entrances) and there is an ablution area for both muslimah and muslimin within the musollah. Slippers, prayer mats and telekung are provided.
If you are walking..
If you are exiting via the Purple/North East line, 1. Go to Exit F. bi. Upon exiting at Exit F at the ground floor, walk straight and turn right towards Singapore General Hospital and follow the signs on the sheltered walkway towards Singapore National Eye Centre (SNEC) drop-off area. Then follow steps 2 onwards. If you are exiting via the Green/East West line, 1. Go to Exit A. bi. Upon exiting at Exit A at the ground floor, walk past the public bus stop where the SGH Shuttle Bus stop and walk straight along Outram Road then turn left at NTU Alumni Medical Centre. bii. Follow the College Road till you see Houseman Canteen on your right (opposite Academia). Then follow steps 4 onwards.
MUSOLLAHSG.COMWe will verify the existence of some of the musollah locations and upload pictures and directions of the musollahs we visit. Besides those contributed by us, we will post pictures contributed by our Muslim brothers and sisters as well. We will give credit when it is due so if you do use our pictures or information for your blogs or websites, please do give credit to us or the creator of the tiktok/youtube video as well. Categories
January 2025