From the main drop off point, walk towards Tower B at KTPH. Go to the lift lobby between the learning centre and Ward Visitor Registration Centre which leads to W46 to W106.
There is are 2 unofficial prayer areas on each floor from floors 5 to 10. 1. The waiting area between both wards, just outside the toilet 2. Wards 56, 66, 76, 86, 96 and 106 To go to the unofficial praying area at waiting area between both wards, just outside the toilet.. Upon getting out of the lift, turn left. You will see the toilet sign at the top (towards ward 55/65/75/85/95/105). Follow the toilet sign and walk towards the toilet. The toilet will be on your left (ablution can be performed here) and the waiting area on your right is the unofficial praying area. There is a qiblat sign. To being your own prayer mat and telekung for prayers. To go to the unofficial praying area at wards 56, 66, 76, 86, 96 and 106.. Upon getting out of the lift, walk towards the ward. When you see the nurses' station, turn left/right (depending on the orientation of the ward) to the waiting area. There is a qiblat sign. To being your own prayer mat and telekung for prayers. Ablution can be done at the nearby toilet at the ward level between the 2 wards (follow instructions above) just before going to the ward.
From the main lobby at Raffles Hospital (facing Ophir Rd),
Please note that this musollah is only for patients and the visitors of patients so the door may be locked. To access it, you will have to inform the Patient Service Associate or Nurse at the ward and inform which patient you are visiting so that they can unlock the door for you.
From CGH A&E drop off point,
From the SKH dropoff point/lobby,
1. Walk towards Koufu on the right. 2. Enter Koufu and walk to the end of Koufu. There is a door (in between the staff area and Vegetarian stall) leading to the toilet. 3. Pass the door and follow the toilet signs (which will tell you to turn left then left again) where you will see the female and male toilets at the end of the corridor. 4. Opposite the male and female toilet, there is a handicap toilet and a light brown door to the left. Go through the light brown there where you will see the separate musollah for muslimin and muslimah. Wudhu can be done in the ablution area in the musollah and telekung and sejadah are provided. It is air-conditioned as well.
The Mt Elizabeth Novena Hospital is located directly opposite Tan Tock Seng Hospital and Novena Medical Centre. It is also a stone throw away from the MRT station.
There are a comprehensive signages from the main road opposite Tan Tock Seng Hospital on how one could get to the hospital lobby of Mt Elizabeth Hospital, just follow the signs. From the hospital lobby, facing the comfortable seats that welcomes you, make a right turn till you see the sign "Admissions" on a pillar to your left. And then walk straight down towards that "Admission" path. You will see Guardian Pharmacy on your left. There is a small alley right next to Guardian Pharmacy. That is where the Musollah is. This Musollah is awesome with proper ablution area, beautifully carpeted room with prayer garbs,kitabs, stools for those who cannot solat standing, sejadah as well as mirror and tasbih. If you need to have some solitude for zuhr and Asr, this is the place for you especially so if you are in Novena. Pass this beautiful message/ info around ya. Kudos to the management of Mt Elizabeth Novena Hospital for the effort they did to do this for their patients and family members. - Contributed by Sister Myrah Marsya
MUSOLLAHSG.COMWe will verify the existence of some of the musollah locations and upload pictures and directions of the musollahs we visit. Besides those contributed by us, we will post pictures contributed by our Muslim brothers and sisters as well. We will give credit when it is due so if you do use our pictures or information for your blogs or websites, please do give credit to us or the creator of the tiktok/youtube video as well. Categories
January 2025