There is an unofficial prayer area in Hougang Mall, Staircase 3, level 3.
Please take note that we do not recommend that you pray here if you have difficulty walking up/down stairs as you will have to walk down quite a number of flight of stairs after praying. 1. From Hougang MRT Station (NE14) Exit B, walk towards the entrance of Hougang Mall 2. Take the escalator to level 3. 3. Walk towards Popular bookstore (#03-15) which is just behind the customer service counter. 4. On the left of the Popular bookstore is the toilets, you may take ablution there. 5. Once you've done your ablution, continue walking down the corridor, there will be a door on your right with the red sign 'Smoke Stop Lobby' leading to Staircase 3. Please note that once you close the door, you will not be able to open the door from the other side as it is a one-way door, hence, after praying, you will need to walk all the way down to Level 1 to exit the stairwell. 6. Once you are at Staircase 3, Level 3, walk up 1 flight of stairs, you will be at the shared unofficial prayer area. There is a prayer mat available. For muslimah, please bring your own telekung. Please be sure to hang the prayer mat onto the railing for the next person so that it will not obstruct the area. Once you've completed your prayers, you will need to walk all the way down to Level 1 to exit the staircase which will lead you between Koi & Mr Coconut at level 1. If you have another person accompanying you, you may take turns so that the other person can open the door once you're done and you don't have to walk all the way down.
Northshore Plaza I
There is a shared unofficial prayer area at Northshore Plaza I.
From LRT station Samudera (PW4) , turn right to the bridge connecting to NorthShore Plaza 1, Level 2. Turn right when you see Qiji then left. Walk towards the toilets at level 2 (beside Blackball). Please take your ablution there. Once done, on the right of the toilet is the lift lobby and door leading to Staircase 1. Push the door to Staircase 1. Walk up 2 flight of stairs and you will see the unofficial prayer area. The unofficial prayer area is shared for muslimah and muslimin. Prayer mat and telekung are provided. Please be sure to keep the items back into the bag for the next person so that it will not obstruct the area. Telekung is donated by Sister Azlina.
NorthShore Plaza II
There is a shared unofficial prayer area at Punggol Northshore plaza 2 (nearer to the seaside).
It is located at level 3 behind the toilets. There is an alley leading the outdoor staircase. It’s still a make shift place though but more and more people perform their prayers there, both male and female. There is no sejadah or telekung but the toilets are just beside it. Credits to Sister Abdillah
There is a musollah available for Muslim patrons which is open daily from 1pm to 9pm. You can access it from the outside of the restaurant by walking to the back/outdoor area.
Please note that only 1 pax at any time is allowed in the musollah and please bring your own prayer mat and telekung. There is an ablution area provided.
There is an air-conditioned musollah available which is complete with an ablution corner for Muslim diners and to public.
Prayer mats are provided, please bring your own telekung.
MUSOLLAHSG.COMWe will verify the existence of some of the musollah locations and upload pictures and directions of the musollahs we visit. Besides those contributed by us, we will post pictures contributed by our Muslim brothers and sisters as well. We will give credit when it is due so if you do use our pictures or information for your blogs or websites, please do give credit to us or the creator of the tiktok/youtube video as well. Categories
January 2025